The Block105 Radio was originally launched in 2019. As an all 90s and 2000s Hip Hop & RNB station. Its owner and founder, Former recording artist and Hip Hop Legend R.E.C. bought the station originally just to have a radio station that played nothing but the 90s and 2000s classic bangers that he grew up on! Being from the old school, R.E.C. is not much of a fan of today's hip hop music or as he calls it "Mumble Rap", So instead of doing what everyone else does which is creating their own playlist of the music they like on their phone like any normal person would do... R.E.C. decided to take it a step further and purchase his own entire radio station! Fast-forward, "Welcome to THE BLOCK 105 RADIO"!
At first, the station was only programmed to play the classic hip hop and RNB that it was designed to play, But shortly after launching the station, R.E.C. realized that he had something much more powerful than just a radio station. Realizing this, He decided to launch his own radio show that catered to unsigned hip hop and RNB artists. He created a show that would air unsigned artists music and have it reviewed and graded by a worldwide audience. So on January 2nd of 2019, He launched what soon became world-famous as "THE BLOCK PARTY HIP HOP REVIEW SHOW"! The show was a huge success and quickly earned itself an extremely loyal cult like following. Over the past two years the show has showcased thousands of unsigned hip hop and RNB artists, gave out thousands of "Golden Tickets" which was R.E.C.'s gift to an artist that he liked and giving them that Golden Ticket meant that he was moving their song into daily rotation for life on THE BLOCK 105 Radio. He also rewarded artists that earned massive amounts of Golden tickets with Block 105 Grammy's, which was an award that artists received after earning 25 or more Golden tickets. So the show was extremely interactive not only with artists but also with fans around the world. The fans or as R.E.C. calls them "The Block Fam" would tune in every show to hear what new talent might be discovered, and to grade the artists and give real genuine feedback. The show was extremely successful and had an amazing nearly two year run.
Since Covid hit, R.E.C. felt the station could be doing more to help people all over the world. Knowing that many people are out of work, working from home, R.E.C. saw this as an opportunity to give back to the culture even more. He decided that he was going to open The Block 105 Radio's On Air Time Slots to the public. This meant that Podcasters, DJ's and other On Air personalities could now purchase weekly 1 hour, on air time slots and broadcast their Podcast, DJ set or Show on The Block 105 Radio. Not only could the public now use The Block 105 Radio's audience and platform to expand their own brand or show, but it was equally important to make those on air time slots so affordable that ANYONE could afford it! For R.E.C. it was not about the money, It was about giving people an affordable opportunity to launch their own show or build and expand their existing show. So he did just that! He made the 1-hour on air slots available to the public for FREE!. The only cost that is incurred by the broadcasters is a $25 processing and loading donation each week that goes directly to the "Load team". This means that any Podcaster, DJ, or Radio show host could now have their own weekly show on The Block 105 Radio for only $25 a week! How can he do that, you ask? Well, R.E.C. says "Offering the time slots for free obviously will not be profitable, In fact I will be losing money! But sometimes there are more important things than making money. Hip Hop music has provided me with an amazing life for nearly 30 years, So why wouldn't I want to give back to a culture that has given me EVERYTHING? I want to support hip hop and RNB music as I always have, But now I want to support content creators as well. Podcasters, DJ's, On air Hosts and much more. I've spent two years building a huge following on The Block 105 Radio Station, and now I want to let others have access to that audience. So now... ITS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE!"
Have no fear! For those loyal BLOCK FAM Family members that loved R.E.C. and The Block Party Hip Hop Review Show. R.E.C. will still be live on air doing The Block 105 Radio A.I.'s "Artist Interviews"! The Artist Interviews are done on Wednesdays when booked. They are hosted by R.E.C. himself and broadcasted live on IG and The Block 105 Radio. To book an interview with R.E.C., feel free to message us from the "Contact Us" page or DM on Instagram.
The Block105 Radio prides itself on paying homage to the Legends! Nothing but Hip hop classics! Playing the best of the 90's and 2000's Hip Hop. For the True Heads Only!
The Block105 also prides itself on paying homage to all of the RnB Legends of the 90's and 2000's. Both decades wouldn't have been the same if it wasn't for RnB! Then when Hip Hop and RnB merged together... That was a wrap! The birth of greatness!
The Block 105 Radio! Home of the people music, The Peoples Podcasts and the Peoples DJ's! If you have a podcast or are a DJ and would like your own 1 hour on air weekly time slot on The Block 105 Radio, Email us at: theblock105@yahoo.com
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